Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
Images of Prins Hendrikkade 21
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Prime Location

Situated merely 100 meters from Amsterdam Central Station, StartDock is ideally placed for easy access, offering a practical and prestigious address in the city's bustling heart.

Historic Venue

The coworking space is housed in the Mercurius building—a historic site that once served as a shopping passage and hotel, blending rich heritage with modern office amenities.

Comprehensive Facilities

StartDock Amsterdam is designed to cater to a variety of professional needs:

  • Flexible Workspaces: From hot desks to dedicated private offices, accommodating individuals and teams.
  • High-Speed Internet: Ensures seamless connectivity.
  • Meeting Rooms: Equipped with unique, inspiring designs to facilitate productive meetings.
  • Community Lounge: A place to relax and enjoy the views over Amsterdam, fostering a collaborative atmosphere.

Vibrant Community

The space attracts a diverse mix of entrepreneurs, freelancers, and startups. It’s more than just a place to work; it’s a hub for professional growth through regular networking events, workshops, and communal activities that encourage collaboration and innovation.

How to get there?

How to get there?

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