Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Images of Westplein 12
Near Public Parking
Reception Service
Bike Storage
Phone Booths
Climate Control
Wheelchair Accessible
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Our monumental building with its private parking area is located in the Scheepvaartkwartier, at the docks (Veerhaven). In this area, we like that we are the odd one out in this neighborhood, since the natural population are well-off companies or individuals. This majestic, quaint and inspiring location is within walking distance of cafes, a supermarket and public transportation. Inside we have a tight community of companies, which are widely specialized and help each other grow to unprecedented heights.

How to get there?

How to get there?

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